(EN) In 2020, after 50 years of ongoing experiments, kinema ikon opens the exhibition season in its dedicated gallery space at the Museum of Art Arad, with a meta-installation that further announces a series of exhibitions by artistic groups with which kinema ikon frequently collaborates and empathizes with.
(RO) În anul 2020, la 50 de ani de experiment continuu, kinema ikon deschide sezonul expozițional în sala care îi este dedicată de la Muzeul de Artă din Arad cu o metainstalație care anunță seria de expoziții susținute de către grupuri cu care kinema ikon empatizează si colaborează frecvent.
KF - 46016’92”N 21031’57”E. ȘANTIER ARHEOLOGIC / 4175 A.D. (video - performance), CitiZenit - Meta Green (video), MODULAB - S.T.E.L.A. (interactive installation, video), subsol16 - COLAJ (video), L’ENE - Le’Jam (video)
Thea Lazăr - We don’t know a lot about this mysterious planet,
but Earth carries it in her heart (video)
Taietzel Ticalos - In absentia (video)
Adrian Ganea - Cadmus Sowing Dragon’s Teeth (video)
Alex Halka - Tesla Echo TapeX v.2 (audio installation)
Craciunikon (video)
Larisa Crunțeanu - A Story with 255 Possible Parts (video)
(courtesy of the artist and Anca Poterașu Gallery)
Bogdanator - /module_standalone /module_standaway (interactive installation, 3D print)
gH - / ɪkˈsɪʒ(ə)n,ɛk- / (excision) (installation)
reVoltaire - Time Machine /prequel (video installation)